Week 5: Roles of Universities & Sustainable Development

Assalamualaikum and hey!! Welcome back to my blog. So, today I have learnt on a new topic which is the Roles of Universities & Sustainable Development.

As we all know, the university plays a big role in everything other than industry and government (Triple Helix Model). So, in order to spread awareness on sustainable development, the university needs to take its responsibility to spread it among the students.

This photo had been taken by me, myself

I am actually grateful for joining IIUM as it is the only university that has implemented the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among the students. There is a course subject UNGS 1201 that has newly been created for new undergraduates students since this semester which is semester 1, 2020/2021. It aims to solely introduce the students on what the SDGs all about and teaches the students how to implement it in their life.

'Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan' and 'Pendidikan Abad Ke-21' have played its big role in achieving the SDGs. They are emphasizing on 4 fundamental aspects which are intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual. They are also related to the Maqasid Al-Shariah. With all of these are combined, it is not impossible to achieve the 'Sejahtera'.

As we all know pandemic Covid-19 had changed the norms of learning and teaching. Before Covid-19 the learning session had been done by face to face but however during this pandemic, all learning session had changed to virtual. It somehow burdens both of the parties who are students and teachers but however, it also helps them in appreciate things and learn new things.

Before the Covid-19 stormed us, the education only based on 3M which are manpower, mind and machine. These thoughts will only lead to money. However, during this pandemic, the education had substituted to base on 4H which are humanity, heart, high touch and humility. We can see that 4H are the new positive aspects that had been delivered because of this pandemic. They will lead to better vision, understanding, clarity and agility (VUCA).

You can watch this video in getting a better understanding of how pandemic affects higher education.

I think that is all from me for this week. Thank you for reading and see you in the next post!!


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