
Week 10: Measurement, Indices and Indicators for Sustainable Development and SDG

Assalamualaikum and hey!! Welcome back to my blog. So, today I have learnt on a new topic which is the Measurement, Indices and Indicators for Sustainable Development and SDG. So, what should be the indicators of development of a country? Basically, many people would say that a developed country would have good economic and social well-being. So, there are a various sampling of alternative measures of those two such as: Human Development Index Canadian Index of Well-Being Ecological Footprint Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators Genuine Progress Indicator Happy Planet Index Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare Sustainable Society Index Living Planet Index Measure of Domestic Progress Sustainable National Income Environmental Performance Index For a better understanding and more information, you may watch the video below. So now, we moved on to Sustainability Indicators. What does it mean? A sustainable development indicator (SDI) can generally be understood as a quantitative t...

Week 8: Field Works - In Campus Observation IIUM as Sustainable Campus: Students as Agent of Change

Assalamualaikum and hey!! Welcome back to my blog. So, today I have learnt on a new topic which is the FieldWorks - In Campus Observation IIUM as Sustainable Campus: Students as Agent of Change. For your information, IIUM had won Green Gown Awards International as the first university in Malaysia which has ever received it. If you want to get more information on it, you may watch the video below. So, how sustainable is IIUM? Actually, there are many projects that IIUM had done in achieving a green campus. Some examples of the projects are Food Bank, CFS Sejahtera Room, Cat Shelter, Solar Panel, Recycling Station, Food Waste Composting, Zero Single-Use Plastic, UniRide Ecotour and many more. These examples showed that IIUM is very serious and concern in turning IIUM into a green campus and more 'Sejahtera'. As this topic is on the Students as Agent of Change, I would like to share some of the proposals of the projects of my classmates in helping IIUM to be more sustainable campu...

Week 7: Roles of Institutions for Sustainable Development (SDG 16 & 17)

Assalamualaikum and hey!! Welcome back to my blog. So, today I have learnt on a new topic which is the Roles of Institutions for Sustainable Development (SDG 16 & 17). As we already know, in order to achieve all SDGs, first, we need to make sure of these 2 goals which are Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) and Goal 17 (Partnership for the Goals). Goal 16 promotes peaceful and inclusive for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Meanwhile, Goal 17 aims to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. But however, in the class today, we mainly focused on Goal 17 only. SDG 17 targets are broken down into five categories and each target has several indicators: Finance - Debt service as a proportion of exports of goods and services. Technology - Number of services and/or technology cooperation agreements and programmes...

Week 6: Challenges to Sustainable Development

Assalamualaikum and hey!! Welcome back to my blog. So, today I have learnt on a new topic which is the Challenges to Sustainable Development. Based on what I have learned in the class, there are 4 general challenges in applying SDGs. The challenges are inequalities of access to educational resources, inequalities of access to health facilities, inequality of access to food and inequalities of access to clean water. There are so many unsustainability and inequity that exists in this world. The unsustainability is including socio-economic inequity, cultural inequity, societal inequity, familial inequity, programmatic inequity, instructional inequity, linguistic inequality, assessment inequality and etc. Meanwhile, the other specific challenges are climate change and clean energy, sustainable transport system, sustainable consumption and production patterns, global poverty, social inclusion, demography and migration issues, public health system, and conservation and management of natural ...

Week 5: Roles of Universities & Sustainable Development

Assalamualaikum and hey!! Welcome back to my blog. So, today I have learnt on a new topic which is the Roles of Universities & Sustainable Development. As we all know, the university plays a big role in everything other than industry and government (Triple Helix Model). So, in order to spread awareness on sustainable development, the university needs to take its responsibility to spread it among the students. This photo had been taken by me, myself I am actually grateful for joining IIUM as it is the only university that has implemented the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among the students. There is a course subject UNGS 1201 that has newly been created for new undergraduates students since this semester which is semester 1, 2020/2021. It aims to solely introduce the students on what the SDGs all about and teaches the students how to implement it in their life. 'Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan' and 'Pendidikan Abad Ke-21' have played its big role in achieving t...

Week 4: Framework of Sustainable Development

Assalamualaikum and hey!! Welcome back to my blog. So, today I have learnt on a new topic which is the Framework of Sustainable Development. In this topic, we have learnt a lot about history in making the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) where we applied it since to 2016 till 2030. We also learnt that before SDGs being established, the United Nations (UN) had applied the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) from 2000-2015. There are so many differences between MDGs and SDGs.  One of them is the theme. For MDGs, it more focusses on poverty while SDGs focusses on sustainable development where it includes more aspects. Moreover, MDGs only applied to the developing countries while SDGs apply to universal. In term of the number of goals, MDGs only had 8 goals while SDGs have 17 goals. To get more info on the transition of SDGs from MDGs, you can watch the video below. Besides, today I also learnt about Sejahtera. Sejahtera is a Malay word which means prosperous. So, the definition of ...

Week 3: Maqasid Al-Shariah & Sustainable Development

Assalamualaikum and hey!! Welcome back to my blog. So, today I have learnt on a new topic which is Maqasid Al-Shariah & Sustainable Development. So first of all, what is Maqasid Al-Shariah? Maqasid Al-Shariah involves realizing the human well-being by enhancing welfare, or benefit (maslahah) of the people on one hand and preventing harm (mafsadah) on the other. Maqasid Al-Shariah also promotes and protects the well-being of people and nature. There are 5 fundamental objectives of Maqasid Shariah (Objectives of Islamic Law) which are; Hifz Al-Din (Religion) Hifz Al-Nafs (Life) Hifz Al-'Aql (Intellect) Hifz Al-Nasb (Lineage) Hifz Al-Mal (Wealth) To gain a better understanding of the Maqasid Al-Shariah, you can watch this video. Actually, the Maqasid Al-Shariah and the 5Ps where we had learnt in the first week, have a quite similar relationship as you can see in the picture below.     Maqasid As-Shar’iah (HIFZ) Equivalent  ‘Ps’ (Themes) in SDG Related SDGs Some Relevant ...